Counseling, Consulting & Life Coaching, LLC
Specializing in:
Specializing in depression, anxiety, stress, marital, and other concerns.
Pre-marital Twogether In Texas classes (this class cancels $65+ of the Texas marriage the license fee)
Marriage Officiating and office use available.
Desk rental available for therapists.
The services that I provide are as follows:
Counseling therapy sessions
Pre-marital counseling through Together in Texas which exempts the marriage license fee
Small Groups
Counseling sessions will be provided by appointment only through the Sondermind secure portal.
The Office is located at:
21586 IH 35 North
Schertz, TX 78154
(210) 802-1287
Establishing Healthy Routines
Try getting up 30 minutes earlier, give yourself enough time meditate and sip on your favorite breakfast drink before getting started with your day.
Listen to what your body is telling you…
Drink plenty of fluids, eat balanced meals, slow down to spend time doing things you enjoy.
Exercise is truly the key to overall wellness and quality of life.
You have to find what exercise works best for you- and do it regularly.
Loraine Swift, MA, Licensed Professional Counselor
U. S. Navy Retired, while in the Navy, I worked as an advisor and grievance counselor. I was in education for 20 years as a teacher, Special Education Advisor, and a Professional School Counselor. I was also a counselor volunteer at nonprofit organizations.